At the University of Pennsylvania, nurturing the health and well-being of its community is a top priority. This focus is all-encompassing, covering students, faculty, postdoc researchers, and staff alike. The third installment in a series concerning University resources that aim to enhance the community’s overall wellness spotlights physical health. Previous topics explored in this series include mental health and financial well-being.
In support of physical wellness, Penn offers a variety of initiatives and services, from a free annual fall flu clinic to complimentary biometric screenings to discounted gym memberships. Penn has implemented these programs as a part of its preventive care strategy for the campus community.
The primary focus of the strategies and initiatives rolled out by Penn is the student population. To support students’ physical health, Penn provides an exhaustive list of services. Alongside the primary and specialty care services, the University also organizes an annual flu clinic, reinforcing the commitment to disease prevention and overall well-being. Penn’s initiatives empower students to focus on their academic life and fully experience the energy of campus life, strengthening the health and resilience of the Penn community.
The wellness coaching service provided by Penn promotes a holistic approach to physical health. This service extends an array of resources aimed to help students navigate their daily routines in healthy ways, managing sleep, nutrition, and physical activity.
The wellness initiatives at Penn also target faculty and full-time staff, particularly those who are beneficiaries of either Penn’s or UPHS’s benefit covers. Such employees are entitled to a 50% reduction on gym memberships at the Pottruck Health and Fitness Center, making it easier for them to incorporate fitness schedules into their routine life.
Various services are available to students through Wellness Student Health. These range from allergy injections to comprehensive gynecologic care to consultations for students concerned about completing recommended vaccinations before traveling overseas.
Penn’s Human Resources Department implements several programs emphasizing physical health for faculty, staff, and postdocs. Examples include the Penn Healthy You programs that provide incentives for participation in a host of activities that promote physical and behavioral wellness.
Penn’s annual Be in the Know wellness campaign is available to all benefits-eligible faculty, staff, and postdoctoral researchers and fellows. Participants are entitled to free biometric screenings on campus carried out by Health Advocate personnel. The program includes one-on-one health coaching, goal-tracking, and timed health challenges facilitated by the platform partner, Virgin Pulse.
Other programs made available by Penn to promote wellness include Penn Healthy You, which offers nutrition counseling, discount memberships to local YMCAs and Campus Recreation, workshops anchored by medical experts, and an array of events and workshops. Health insurance plans provided by Penn are comprehensive, including prescription drug and medical coverage and dental and vision coverage. Moreover, two dental plans are available for faculty and staff, adding affordability to the range of services offered.
The University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS) employees also benefit from a variety of resources. Employee health is the crux of preventive medicine according to Janna DeCicco, senior employee health and well-being consultant with UPHS. Promoting regular physical activities and healthy eating habits reduces the risk of chronic diseases and enhances overall quality of life. Therefore, investing in physical health today is a crucial step towards ensuring a healthy tomorrow.
The UPHS has benefits ranging from a well-being program that tracks app-based progress and activity, support for logistical and administrative tasks, and additional wellness programs specific to the School of Medicine employees. With its extensive offerings in wellness, Penn stands as a proactive advocate of physical health and healthy living on campus.