Interview: Sticking to your health & fitness goals over the holiday season with local weight loss coach Carson Norheim 🎧

As the holiday season begins, the spirit of Hallothanksmas is upon us! Between managing your family, work and holiday plans for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, it’s also crucial to keep focused on maintaining your fitness and nutrition goals. While this might seem difficult and overwhelming, it doesn’t necessarily have to be.

Celebrating the holiday season includes treating yourself to both savory and sweet delicacies. These scrumptious delights are not something to avoid but rather something to embrace. Holidays are special occasions spent with your family, and it’s essential to take pleasure in every moment, embracing and cherishing these beautiful times.

Often, people have this notion that indulging in a few more bites of that wonderfully brined turkey, grabbing an additional treat from the workstation’s plastic pumpkin, or missing a workout session to attend your child’s Christmas concert might result in loss (or gain) in your fitness journey. However, it will not significantly affect your overall health and fitness journey.

This is a viewpoint shared by acclaimed weight loss coach, Carson Norheim. He emphasizes that while one must maintain expectations and stay mindful during the holiday season, it’s equally essential to treat oneself and not completely abstain from the holiday cheer. All this effort is not to restrict oneself but to create a balance that works durably.

Carson Norheim further elaborates on strategies to stay guided during this festive season. Being conscious of your diet and fitness goals doesn’t mean you have to forgo that extra treat or two. It’s all about balance – and finding what works for you is key.

Absent tricks, replacing them with tips for managing your health, he stresses the importance of continuing your regular fitness routine amidst the holiday frenzy. Whether it is squeezing in a short workout, continuing with your usual gym routine, or swapping the gym for outdoors and getting those steps in – staying active is key to maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

According to Carson, staying focused doesn’t mean having to sacrifice the joy holidays bring. The ultimate goal is to create an awareness and equilibrium where you stay true to your fitness commitments while still partaking in the holiday cheer. Remember, the objective is to find a balance that doesn’t disrupt your happiness along with the festivities of the season.

It’s time to lighten up and enjoy, without the guilt usually associated with holiday diets. The holiday season with your family and loved ones is the perfect time to take good care of your mental, physical and emotional well-being. This time of the year is about enjoyment as much as it is about embodiment. So, have that extra piece of candy, take that additional scoop of mashed potatoes, and let’s spread joy, embrace happiness, and create memories during this holiday season.

Summing up, the essence of this festive season is to relish tasty treats, spend quality time with loved ones, maintain fitness routines, avoid guilt, and most importantly, find pleasure in everything you do. After all, health is a state of body, wellness is a state of being, and Carson Norheim’s belief is that the blissful journey of wellness embraces both. Happy and guilt-free Hallothanksmas, everyone!