Interview: Sticking to your health & fitness goals over the holiday season with local weight loss coach Carson Norheim 🎧

The joyous holiday season is here! That wonderful time of year when the cycle of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas springs into action. A time when juggling personal and professional demands, travel schedules and holiday traditions can often become an overwhelming exercise. Amidst all, maintaining health, fitness and nutrition goals can feel like an uphill climb. However, it doesn’t really have to be this way!

The holiday season, contrary to common belief, can still align well with your health and fitness goals. Yes, it does require a little extra effort and determination, but it’s certainly not an impossible task. You might be able to carry on enjoying the festive delicacies and still maintain your health by indulging yourself with the savoury and sweet treats the holidays bring in. After all, indulgence in moderation is good for health too.

These events are a gathering of your loved ones, a celebration of togetherness. It is important to respect the occasion, enjoy to the fullest and cherish these moments. There’s no need for guilt or remorse if you happen to take an additional bite of that deliciously marinated turkey, or if you can’t refuse a treat offered to you at work, or if certain obligations like attending your child’s Christmas concert make you skip your workout. You’re not going to lose or gain much from exercising a bit of leniency towards your diet during these times.

Let’s hear it from a fitness expert! Carson Norheim, a highly respected local weight loss coach shares some valuable tips on managing expectations and how to stay mindful during the holidays. She also gives a detailed insight into how to maintain a balance between enjoying your favorite foods and staying on the path of fitness. Her suggestions center around indulgence without overdoing, and exercising a considerable amount of restraint to strike the right balance.

According to her, holidays might seem like a threat to your fitness regime, but it’s the perfect opportunity to show how much you’ve mastered the art of balance. She emphasizes that exercising caution should not restrict you from rewarding yourself with a treat or two. What makes a difference is to make sure moderation is your mantra. It’s not just about keeping a close watch on what you eat, but bringing an attentive, balanced and holistic approach to your overall lifestyle.

She further recommends fitting in simple exercises, wherever possible. Even when you are extremely busy, every little effort counts, and every step you take contributes to your health. That walk to the grocery store, the gardening work, viably substitute your regular workout routine. Your day-to-day tasks could very well be your gym routine. Just remember to keep moving and make the most of every moment.

In conclusion, the holiday season is no reason to forego your fitness goals or succumb to a sedentary lifestyle. Yes, there will be times when you might want to break free and enjoy, and that’s perfectly okay. The trick is to strike the right balance between indulgence and fitness without being too rigid or too lenient. Enjoy the spirit of the holidays, indulge in its merry making while keeping your health and fitness intact.